Webinar: Fleksible studieforløb om plast på DTU

Onsdag d. 10. maj kl. 13-14 afholder Plastindustrien i samarbejde med Guido Tosello fra DTU et webinar om fleksible studieforløb med fokus på plast.


Har jeres medarbejdere brug for plastviden på videregående uddannelsesniveau?

Så kan I deltage i webinaret ”Digital Twin University program” og høre mere om muligheden for at tage en master på DTU uden at forlade jobbet i længere perioder.

Plastindustriens mangeårige samarbejdspartner på DTU, Professor Guido Tosello, vil fortælle om hvordan studerende kan skræddersy et fleksibetlt studieforløb, der fokuserer på plast og som møder plastbranchen og jeres virksomheds specifikke behov.

Mødet foregår på engelsk.

Guido Tosello is Associate Professor at the Department of Civil and Mechanical Engineering of the Technical University of Denmark and Head of Studies of the ‘Materials and Manufacturing Engineering’ MSc program.

In this webinar Guido Tosello will present the “Digital Twin University program” and will ask for your feedback from the industry perspective.

What is Digital Twin University?

  • Digital Twin University is a new concept of education at DTU.
  • Digital Twin University makes extensive use of digitization to provide more education to employees working in the industry.
  • Digital Twin University is an offer for a different segment than the students who typically apply to DTU. Digital education gives the students great flexibility during their studies and the opportunity to stay in their local area for most of their education and to continue working while studying at DTU.
  • Digital Twin University entails new opportunities for collaboration with companies where the employees/students work on a daily basis.
  • With the new educational concept in Digital Twin University – including a high academic level and digital interface – DTU will expand the annual admission with up to 500 new students in 2030.

Students are offered teaching and laboratory experiments online and access world-class experimental facilities on DTU campuses in selected periods with housing available

Mødet er for medlemmer af Plastindustrien og andre interesserede. Deltagelse er gratis. Tilmeld dig her og få tilsendt link til Teams deltagelse.

Webinar: Fleksible studieforløb om plast - 10. maj kl. 13

  • Dette felt er til validering og bør ikke ændres.
Tilmeld dig her


10. maj 2023
13.00 - 14.00

